Sara Camp Arnold & Kirk Milam 12/28/14

December 2014

Registry Information

Arnold, Sara Camp
Milam, Kirk
Family of the Bride: Marks Arnold / Sally & Tom Wood
Family of the Groom: Joy & Kenny Milam / Susan & Bill Hill
William Yeoward "Fern' small wine.
Juliska Berry & Thread white dinner, salad, cereal, mug, any serving piece. Simon Pearce Hartland water, wine, ice beverage.
White hemstitch linens.
Annie Glass gold. Antique silver. William Yeoward Fine & Country. Calaisio basketware. Simon Pearce. Stemless Reidel wine glasses.
For assistance with your purchase for this bride and groom, call 601-366-8120 or 1-800-366-8120

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